Mikumi national park in Tanzania

Mikumi National Park started off as a small Game Reserve which was later established as a National Park in 1964. Mikumi National Park is situated between the mountains of Uluguru and Udzungwa. 
These Park is located south of the famous  Nyerere National Park, near Morogoro in Tanzania. Mikumi National Park is known as the 4th largest national park in Tanzania and is closest to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’s largest city.

As accessible as it is, Mikumi is the most appealing Park to a safari. This Park will give a true taste of an African safari while preserving your precious time. The Park has a variety of wildlife that can be easly seen. Its closeness to Dar makes it an ideal place for weekend visitors who don’t have to spend a long time on an extended safari itinerary.

These Park boasts of a vast diversity of attractions including the Savanah plains, Acacia trees, Baobab, Tamarinds, and Palm. Large numbers of different animal species can be seen roaming in the park’s savannah vegetation and these include; elephants, impalas, eland, zebras, greater kudu, wildebeests, buffaloes, and sable antelopes. Several bird species can also be spotted such as the Yellow-throated Longclaw, Bateleur eagle, Lilac-breasted Roller, and many more.


best time to visit Mikumi

The best time to visit and experience great wildlife sightings in the park is during the dry season in the month of June to October. Vegetation is thinner during this time and animals can easily be sighted as they gather around the freshwater source, Mkata River. This is also a high season with a large number of tourists visiting during this time of the year.


how to get to Mikumi national park?

The Park can be accessed by road or air Road. The park is 283km from Dar es salaam and 118 from Morogoro town. Air. Scheduled flights from all the main centers in Tanzania but often routing via Dar-es-salaam.


Where to stay in Mikumi National Park?

 Accommodation facilities in Mikumi National Park


Stanley’s Kopje Camp


Vuma Hill Tented


Mikumi Wildlife Camp

Angalia Tented Camp


Mikumi Safari Lodge

Tan-Swiss Lodge

What activities are there to do in Mikumi National Park?

Game viewing 
Game viewing  can be done both during the day and at night. During the day, there is a chance to get a glimpse of the tree-climbing lions, watch hippos swimming in the hippo pools found northeast of the park’s main gate. T

Bird watching
The Park is a great destination for a birding experience. Mikumi National Park is inhabited by more than 400 species of birds such as the African fish eagle, Lilac-breasted eagle, Bateleur eagle, Yellow-throated Longclaw, Saddle-billed stork, Long-tailed fiscal and many others

Nature walks(Walking Safari)
Guided short walks can be taken through the park’s designated walking trails as you learn and discover more bird and animal species in the park. Beautiful pictures of the savannah grasslands can be captured along the way.Cultural visit to the village of the Maasai.


Top Highlights

  • One of the biggest elephant populations in northern Tanzania.
  • Highly concentrated wildlife viewing during the dry season.
  • Excellent birdwatching opportunities.
  • Night safaris and walking safaris available
  • Spectacular scenery famed for its ancient baobab trees


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